Bedsores, medication errors, malnutrition, abuse, and neglect are among the federal health and safety violations that jeopardize nursing home patients in the United States.
A nursing home abuse lawyer is your best weapon to bring those responsible for nursing home abuse and neglect to account and to ensure deserved compensation should a nursing home abuse lawsuit be necessary. In 2007, federal inspectors received 37,150 complaints about nursing home conditions.
Thirty-nine percent were substantiated, with about one-fifth of those involving abuse and neglect. In 2008, federal investigators found that 94% of the nation’s nursing homes were in violation of federal health and safety standards. Though nursing homes are inspected annually to ensure compliance with federal standards, such inspections often fail to expose cases of abuse and neglect.
If you suspect that a loved one is being harmed, abused, or mistreated as a result of nursing home abuse or nursing home negligence, retain the professional services of a nursing home abuse attorney who can confront those responsible in a court of law with a nursing home negligence lawsuit.
They merged their identities, their facilities, and their mission statements. And then they attempted to merge their bad debt. In the case of two large Midwest hospitals that merged in 1997, determining what to do with a combined bad debt of more than $100 million was one of the most difficult decisions hospital administrators had to make. Faced with the challenge of how to address the hospital's unpaid accounts receivable was a team of financial executives from the two hospitals--the CFOs, patient accounts directors, and controllers.
Debbe Winkle, former interim director of patient accounts for one of the hospitals, was on the team. She recalls that, following the merger, leadership was focused on such things as combining the two hospitals' computer systems and determining which accounts were at which collection agencies. "The last thing we wanted to be dealing with was bad debt," she says.
One option the team explored was moving the accounts from a primary, agency to a secondary agency. "Not all of us wanted to pursue that option," says Winkle, who owns Outsource Receivable Services in Indianapolis. "Once you've written your A/R off to bad debt and sent it somewhere else, it can be very cumbersome transferring all that data from one agency to another."
The hospital's other option was to sell its bad debt. In the 1990s, however, it was rare for hospitals to sell their accounts receivable to a debt buyer, and Winkle and the rest of the team wanted to ensure that the hospital maintained a positive image in the community. "Our number one concern was that once we sold the accounts, we would lose all control," Winkle says. "We didn't want a bunch of bad public relations in the community, especially right after a merger."
The American Hospital Management Company provides turn-key, outsourced administrative and management services to hospitals and health systems. AHMC is the most experienced hospital administrator, project planner, medical equipment procurer, developer and advisory company in the Global market today. AHMC provides individual services, turn-key services and total solutions. Unique to AHMC is the experience and success with Private-Public Hospital Partnerships as well as with academic, teaching hospitals.
American Hospital Management Company (AHMC) is a member of the Family Hospital Group of Companies. AHMC is a United States based diversified international healthcare system whose focus is on the administration, management, and development of world-class hospitals and healthcare systems. Founded in 1998, AHMC has grown into the leading international hospital management and administration outsourcing company.
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